Today Is A New Day

My Facebook feed is filled to overflowing with so many pictures and posts of random amazingness that I find in my family regularly. But it doesn’t show the absolute crazy mess that we all are – also pretty regularly. Well, the last two days were no exception to the crazy norm. I’m not going to lie. It was tough. And I failed my family miserably.

I don’t know what really was going on. Maybe the planets were in some crazy alignment. Maybe it was a full moon. (Who has the time to check on such things?) Maybe I was in some crazy hormone upside down-ness. I’m not sure why I didn’t handle it all properly. I yelled. A lot. I tolerated nothing. I’m pretty sure my daughter’s brain had left the building. We homeschool, so I’m not unused to random days of brilliance and random days of total cluelessness. Well, for whatever reason, for two days there was the random days of total cluelessness and general non-compliance of standard rules in the home. I yelled. She cried. My poor husband just watched in confusion.

Today is day three. I established a rule a while ago to get my child’s handwriting speedier that she has to write three sentences in cursive with proper capitalization and punctuation, including grammar rules she knows, before she’s allowed to watch tv or play games on her phone. The very first thing she decided to do was completely accurately (and unsolicited) write each of her very difficult spelling words before she wrote three beautiful sentences. She proudly brought her white board to me to see. She didn’t demand her screen time. She just smiled at me proudly.

I praised her. Oh, how I praised her. I told her how proud I was of her work and her effort as well as her beautiful attitude and respectful behavior. I have no clue why this morning was any different than any other morning. Maybe she got the proper sleep she needed. Maybe she just decided she didn’t enjoy the fighting anymore than I did. I don’t know.

But I then took the time to tell her how sorry I was for not handling our time and our struggle better. I asked for her forgiveness for my bad attitude and told her I would do so much better with God’s help. We hugged. She thanked me and apologized for messing up, too.

You would think, since we do a really good Bible study daily together, since we pray so often for guidance and for help with our attitudes, since we love one another so deeply, that we wouldn’t have days filled with bad attitudes and strife. I wish I could say we get it right all the time. But we don’t. It’s just the honest truth. My mouth and my foul attitude can get the better of me. Her youth and struggle to take control can get her into so much trouble. Daily we ask for help.

You know, the Bible tells me to ask for wisdom and it will be given to me liberally. I’m not on my own. When I ask for wisdom, I also include asking for wise friends who can help me and push me in the right direction. I ask for friends who are willing to confront me when I’m not in the right. One of my least favorite things to hear is, “Yeah, ‘cuz that’s what Jesus would do.” I know it’s most times in sarcasm meant to make me evaluate my actions or words. But it’s my favorite thing to know that my friends care enough to challenge me. If you’re reading this and were too afraid to speak up, just know that I treasure friendships that have a common goal of being more gentle, truthful, loving, honest, and generally happier. I’ll be good to receive correction with the right heart. I’m not perfect. But I’ll try my best. When I get it wrong, I’ll apologize.

Those two days in a row of craziness got me so upside down that I totally forgot about a commitment to serve a friend and my local church. I can’t let my emotions and situations take my brain away. I have a new morning today to get it right. It’s getting started on the right foot. I’m praying it stays that way.

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